
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Eyeliners you either love them or hate them!

Hii guys!

So today I wanted to talk about the eyeliners that I adore and the ones that you shouldn't waste a penny on! It took me awhile to figure out which ones worked and which didn't. I'll start with ones that didn't work for me.

1. Everyone loves MAC make up, I honestly love their make up but their eyeliner would always smudge all over my face.  It wouldn't last through the night! I also like the more natural look when it comes to eyeliner. This eyeliner made me look like I got punched in the face.   It's called the Pro Longwear Eyeliner.
ohh thanks google for this lovely picture!

2.  What I do love from MAC is there Fluidline eyeliner. This eyeliner is perfect for a top coat. You get a brush and you cant make the perfect cat eye. I honestly still have the same bottle that I bought 4 years ago. It lasts forever! 

3. I just bought this new eyeliner from Chanel that is absolutely AMAZING! It gives that nice Au Natural look. They also have the eyeliner in waterproof. I highly recommend this eyeliner. It's a little on the expensive side but it comes with a handy dandy pencil sharpener in it. 

Le Crayon Khol (very fun to say in a different accent)
Well hope you guys learned a little about eyeliners! If you agree or disagree with anything write it down in the comment box. If you want me to try any of your eyeliners or if you want me to write about anything for my next post. Write it down below!! Thanks for reading!


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